This is the map of the addresses participating in the 2024 Holiday Lights Contest sponsored by our Social Events Committee.

There are 11 participating houses.  In the next week, please check out as many as you can and then cast your vote (one per household, please).  There are three ways to vote:
  1. Fill out a ballot at this link:  Online Ballot .  
  2. Print and fill out the form left at your door announcing the contest and drop it into the drop box at one of these three locations:
    1. 15309 Golden Rain 
    2. 2187 Parasol Dr
    3. 15589 Parasol Dr
  3. Send an email to . Include the word “Vote” in the subject line; in the body, include your street address and list up to three participating addresses, indicating 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Remember, the last day to vote is December 12th.

Continue reading “2024 Holiday Lights Contest Map”

Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Annual Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. All board members were present: Brad Barks (Treasurer), Carol Fine (President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), and John Thompson. All board members introduced themselves. Motion to approve the July minutes was made, seconded and approved. Carol introduced Mike Moore and Dan Hurt in the audience. Carol explained how the evening was going to proceed. One paper ballot was provided listing all items to be voted on for the evening. Each item would be discussed, then a pause to mark the ballot and then on to the next topic.

Continue reading “October 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes”

Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. All board members were present: Brad Barks (Treasurer), Carol Fine (President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), and John Thompson. Carol announced the resignation of Mark Stolzenberg. Carol introduced our council person, Mike Moore, who was also in attendance. With Mark’s resignation, 2 positions will be open in October: Mark’s two-year remaining year and Carol’s three-year position. Motion to approve the April minutes was made, seconded and approved.

Continue reading “Meeting Minutes – July 2024”