Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Brad Barks (Treasurer) was absent. Carol Fine
(President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), Mark Stolzenburg, and John Thompson were in
attendance for the Board. Carol introduced our council persons, Dan Hurt and Mike Moore who were also in attendance. Carol read the minutes rather than handing them out. Motion to approve was made and passed.

Financial Report

As of March 31st, there are 79 owners who have not paid their assessment. The assessment invoices have been updated to reflect consequences for late payment. Ground maintenance spending is ahead of the budget. More trimming has been done and the cost of mulch increased. Everything else is right in line with what has been budgeted. Remainder of delinquents as of July will immediately be applied with a lien on the home. Since the cost of the lien is applied to the homeowner, it was recommended to add the cost of this to the letter, so the homeowner is aware. This could affect their decision to pay up since the cost has increased. Reminded the audience of the CVTO closure due to their system upgrade. This will last for two weeks from this meeting. They can only be reached by email. Once CVTO is back up, they will offer classes for trustees regarding all the new upgrades so the trustees can then help the homeowners.

Common Ground

Mark covered new lighting for the entrance at Baxter and Country Ridge. The Board is receiving multiple bids and leaning toward LED lights in order to not overload the circuit board. The spruce ups have done wonders to the common ground. A huge thank you was provided to the audience as many of the homeowners in attendance have taken part. It was reminded that the spruce ups are a family event, and all are welcome. Also, the neighborhood yard waste guy from Republic has donated time to help with the removal of the debris. The Board has found over many of the lawn areas of common ground settling has occurred causing small valleys and sinkholes over the area. Fill dirt would help out tremendously in leveling these areas. These valleys have an effect on our mowing company’s equipment and also increases the risk of a child or adult getting hurt through twisting an ankle. If homeowners are doing any major landscaping project where fill dirt will be removed, the Board requests you reach out to see if the neighborhood can use the dirt. Please do not add anything to the common ground without Board approval.

The use of the common ground was discussed. There was a homeowner who decided to add debris to the creek from a landscape renovation. MSD was called and they luckily had no concerns. In doing this, the owner caused damage to areas of the common ground, so the Board is looking into pursuing damages. We still have kids creating forts in the wooded areas. This is a concern for the Board due to the increased risk of a kid getting hurt. The area has many large sinkholes and drop offs which are not visible from the edge. Kids are also using bikes, electric bikes, etc. on flat common ground which causes ruts and ruins the lawn especially when the ground is wet. Everyone present agreed this was not proper use of the common ground. The Board asked for homeowners to report immediately when things are witnessed. Dan Hurt recommended taking a photo for added documentation. This prompted agreement that the Board should create rules for how the common ground is to be used.

Attorney search | Indenture update

The Board has looked into two firms. The good news is both agreed our indentures are outdated and needing updates. Also, the cost for this is similar with both firms.

Website Improvements

The Board would like to increase the features of the website by adding a calendar of events and a list of misunderstood Chesterfield ordinances. This would be really beneficial to new residents to the neighborhood along with current residences.

Social Committe

This group was created as a result of the residents and a vision. While the group has already had a couple of events, the vision goes beyond just get-togethers to book clubs, walking groups, providing assistance to residents in need, etc. With the increase in assessment, this year, the Board was able to add a budget line item to help out with the activities this group will plan. Dan and Mike reminded the audience of the “special permits” if the get-togethers get too big and roll into the streets.

Councilmember forum

Mike and Dan spoke about what is going on in Chesterfield. There was a decision for Chesterfield to have a pool. It is beyond fixing so it will be replaced. This will largely be funded by the TIF. Downtown is moving forward. Dillard’s is now working with the developer. It will be mixed use. There is talk of legislation which will eliminate tax on groceries. Chesterfield would take an approximate 8-10 million hit to this budget.

Homeowner forum

Many homeowners asked questions throughout the meeting. This is encouraged by the Board. The meeting concluded at 9:00 pm

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