Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Meeting
Minutes from July 30, 2020 – Chesterfield City Hall
Call to Order
- Kevin Pfarr called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. Trustees Bill Thanner and Tracey Thrasher were in attendance along with a few homeowners. We did not capture homeowners name due to COVID-19 concerns with passing around a check-in sheet.
- Trustees talked about increasing the communications with homeowners. This could include the homeowners including their email address when they sign in at a meeting as the email distribution list is getting stale. Also consider using Facebook or other on-line tools.
- Bill motioned to approve the budget for 2021 and keep the assessment the same at $120. Kevin 2nd the motion. The approved budget will be included in the annual meeting notice mailing.
- Talked about the progress with the fence at Baxter Road and Country Ridge Drive. Various companies are not willing to replace just the spindles, but would have to replace the whole fence so that it would match. The trustees will dig further into who installed the original fence to see if they can just replace sections of the fence.
- Discussed the various dates related to the annual meeting – a cutoff date of when homeowners need to submit a nomination letter for an open position and a cutoff date of when requesting an absentee ballot.
Common Ground
- Talked about deer bow hunting within the neighborhood common ground. A representative from Whitetail Solutions Group talk about their process and took questions from the homeowners. The trustees will vote to allow bow hunting at the annual meeting in October. Information will be included in the next newsletter which will be included in the annual meeting notice mailing.
- Limit bow hunting hours to morning only.
- Limit the deer stand locations to only around the common ground near Baxter Road.
Homeowner Forum
- A daughter of a homeowner spoke about a project they plan to do by offering to collect plastic bags and drop them off for recycling. The trustees agreed to include something on this topic in the next newsletter which will be included in the annual meeting notice mailing.
- A homeowner commented on the weeds are starting to get out of hand at Baxter Road and Country Ridge Drive.
Meeting minutes were not submitted for the February meeting due to clerical error.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2020 at Chesterfield City Hall in the Council Chambers.