Meadowbrook Farms/Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Chesterfield City Hall
Call to Order
- Kevin Pfarr, President, called the meeting to order at 732pm. Trustees Scott Eiler, Linda Walp and Tracey Thrasher attended along with Council Member, Mike Moore, and 3 homeowners.
- There was a motion to approve the January 28, 2021 meeting minutes, which was approved.
- Financials were passed out to the Trustees
- Dead trees on the common ground were noted as significant expenses this year.
- There was mention of increasing HOA dues in relationship to the additional expenses incurred this year but it was also discussed that a full review of the HOA financial situation including reserve balances should be reviewed before considering an increase
in annual dues.
Common Ground
- Several Trustees visited sites for potential tree removal
- Total Care Group that cuts the grass in the common area was discussed and the days in which they provide services (Thursdays)
- A homeowner noted he found several middle school aged children digging 3-4 foot holes on the common ground near Rose Gate/Parasol like bunkers and covering them with bamboo. He noted the potential hazard for anyone walking the common ground that could fall into these covered holes. Trustees, Kevin and Scott, were going to visit the area to assess what needed to
be done.
Home Improvement Update
- None open that Trustees present at the meeting were aware of
- 3 garage doors in the neighborhood were identified that were in much need of repair. Two Trustees attempted to visit each home and no one answered the door so a letter was requested to be sent to each requesting a plan to repair the doors in the near future.
Homeowner Forum
- A family requested to put a Little Art Project at the common ground on Golden Rain Drive in order to share artwork throughout our community. It is similar to the Little Book Project where children can share books. The resident family would construct, maintain, and promote the project with their own funds. 2 Trustees were for the project and 2 were against so the trustee not in attendance at the meeting was going to be consulted.
- Work trucks being parked on the streets in the neighborhood were discussed
- Garbage cans on the street vs. the driveway were discussed
- Mold on the side of homes was noted and requested to put in the annual newsletter
- A rock on the common ground at Parasol was noted as recently painted by some children in the neighborhood. The HOA President was going to address.
Other Administrative Items
- Past Due Assessments
- The HOA is moving forward with City & Village, the HOA management company, to send demand letters from their attorney to homeowner’s that are 3 years or more past due.
- Tree Program
- In July, the annual City of Chesterfield tree program was noted to be discussed after the HOA analyzes the expenses for the year.
- Residents would be notified in September to contact the Board if they were interested in having a tree replaced or added as part of this City program
- The deer hunting program was briefly mentioned with the City Council Member present related to the liability HOA’s are being asked to incur on behalf of the City and if that mindset would change for next season. The Council Member was going to follow back up with the HOA.
Meeting adjourned at 854p
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 22, 2021 at Chesterfield City Hall.