Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Annual Meeting Minutes
October 27, 2021 – Chesterfield City Hall
Call to order
- Kevin Pfarr, President, called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Trustee Linda Walp, City Council Member Michael Moore and 19 other homeowners were in attendance.
- There was a motion to approve both the April 22, 2021, and the July 22, 2021, minutes. They were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
- Treasurer Linda Walp reported that there are currently 7 trees approved for removal but our tree trimmer is from Farmington and that he is busy right now with tornado cleanup there. He is also scheduled to give a bid on removal and cleanup of the treehouse on the Kempwood common ground.
- Linda also reported that our funds have been consolidated at Lindell Bank, instead of having an account in two separate banks.
- Assessment will remain at $120 annually. Each household will be receiving their bill from City and Village in late January.
Board Elections
- Kevin pointed out that there were 4 open positions on the Board. The Board received only two self nominations for the ballot. They were Linda Walp (acting treasurer) and Carol Fine. They will serve the two 2023 trustee slots. Also, after the meeting homeowner Lisa Monachella volunteered to fill a trustee position. It was moved and approved for Lisa to serve a one year position. So now there is only one vacant position.
Common Ground Update
- Concerning reimbursement for any improvements a homeowner would like to do to a cul-de-sac, the Board will only reimburse the homeowner when they first submit a plan and budget to the Board and receive Board approval.
- There was discussion of forming a Cul-de-sac Committee. Carol Fine will head the committee and 5 other homeowners volunteered to serve on it. The purpose of the committee is to keep the cul-de-sacs and the entrance monuments cleaned up and improved as budget allows. The members will be weeding, raking and trimming as needed. They will also we responsible for coming up with ideas for improving the cul-de-sacs. If you have any cul-de-sac concerns or would like to sign up to help, please email the board at
Home Improvement Applications
- 4 applications were submitted in the last few months. All were approved by the Board.
Homeowner Forum
- A homeowner stated that it would be beneficial if the meeting minutes could be posted within a few days of the meeting. Since the minutes can’t be approved until the next meeting (3 months later), perhaps an unofficial report can be posted on the website.
- A suggestion was made to possibly sell small strips of common ground between homeowners to the adjacent homeowner/homeowners with the idea that the subdivision could generate some revenue and save money in common ground upkeep.This refers to common ground that is not access to other common ground. The Board will look into this.
- There was discussion about deer bow hunting on our common ground. Mike Moore stated that the City of Chesterfield is a third party working between the bow hunters’ association and the subdivisions in Chesterfield. The topic is on the agenda of the November 1 City Council meeting.
- There was concern expressed about the wild honeysuckle problem in the common ground. A nearby subdivision has addressed this problem and the board will try to contact them to see how it was done.
- It was suggested that in order to plan better for expenses the subdivision could have a 5-year study done by an outside company. The board will begin to look into the feasibility of this.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:47pm