Meadowbrook Farms/Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 28 2022
Chesterfield City Hall
Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 7:31pm. Board member introductions were made. Lisa Monachella, Linda Walp (Treasurer) and Kevin Pfarr (President) were present. Carol Fine (Secretary) was absent. In Carol’s absence, Lisa volunteered to take the minutes. Thirteen homer owners were present. Also in attendance were councilmen Mike Moore and Dan Hurt.
- A motion to approve the meeting minutes from April 28, 2022, was made. This was seconded. The minutes will be posted on the subdivision website.
Treasurer’s Report
- Linda Walp led the discussion about the budget. Linda provided income statement, budget buster and the 2023 budget. At the time of the meeting, the budget numbers stopped at June 30th to align with the last received statement.
- Income appears higher than normal due to collect back owed income from owners. This means next years income will be lower.
- 2023 budget has a short fall. This has been occurring for the past few years due cost and expense increases. The increase has been approximately 10%.
- A best guess was made on future six month for non-steady expenses.
- Tree removal cost increased due to number of trees down this year, not a price increase. The lawn vender has helped the subdivision with this task as well. Kevin reminded everyone of when to notify the board of trees possibly needing removal.
- Kevin explained to the audience about the consolidation of bank accounts. Linda explained while the funds are now all in the same account, on paper the dollar amounts are kept separately for account purposes.
- It was proposed that the subdivision annual fee should be increased to $150 annually to be closer to breakeven next year. There were no objections from homeowners present. However, various options were mentioned to make the increase over a few years.
Other Discussion
- Kevin reminded everyone to notify Ameren if a streetlight is out. We get charged by the pole not by the wattage.
- Another situation of a play structure be created by a homeowner not on that homeowner’s property has developed. Questions arose on if the board has retained legal counsel for the situations.
- It was voiced by various people the children of the subdivision are not respecting the wild common ground areas. These areas are hard to be overseen by the board. The recommendation of posting signs stating “Not to be used as playgrounds” was made.
- The board made a request to get feedback on the Welcome packets created to go to new homeowners. The packets were created by Carol Fine. Samples were brought to the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:59pm
Submitted by Lisa Monachella