Meadowbrook Farm/Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Chesterfield City Hall
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm. Board member introductions were made.
Kevin Pfarr (President), Linda Walp (Treasurer), Lisa Monachella and Carol Fine (Secretary) were present. Twelve homeowners attended along with councilman Dan Hurt. A motion to approve the minutes of the July 28, 2022, meeting was made. It was seconded. The
approved minutes will be posted on the subdivision website.
Election of New Trustees
The Board received two trustee self-nominations. They are Steve Orlich and John Thompson. Steve Orlich was introduced and he informed the members that he has lived in the subdivision for eight years. He said he was motivated to seek a position due to the fact that there was a shortage and he wanted to help in any way he could. The other candidate was John Thompson. He could not attend the meeting but a letter was read from him. John is a longtime resident. He stated in his letter that he had no agenda but also wanted to help. Ballots were passed out, a vote taken, and both were elected.
Kevin Pfarr was thanked for all his years of serving on the Board. Kevin will continue to manage the subdivision website.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Linda Walp led the discussion. Linda had prepared projected budgets with both a $150 and a $175 assessment. Both options left us with a deficit at the end of 2023. We will see how the year goes with the hope that we will spend less money on tree removal and that inflation will level off. The Board would like to avoid an increase in assessment next year. There was also a discussion about both the reserve account and the capital account. Linda explained that the reserve account funds can be used for any purpose.The capital account funds can be used for improvements such as benches, signs and lighting.
Common Ground
The topic of the treehouses and bridge in the common ground behind Kempwood was discussed again. The board had gotten a bid of $4000 from Mike Martin, our common ground mower. This was for tear down and removal. It was felt that this a great expense for the HOA to incur, but the liability that it presented was also great. No decision was made to act.
Home Improvement Applications
Carol Fine reported that there were several applications filed at the time. These are waiting for either County permits or contractor availability.
Completed projects included a new driveway on Parasol, two fences on Parasol, a remodeled front porch on Country Ridge, a fence and landscaping on Country Ridge and solar panels on Meadowbrook Way.
Homeowner Forum
Mr. and Mrs. Engel addressed the Board to request permission to remove a sweetgum tree on the common ground just beyond their back property line. Apparently this tree was planted there years ago by a previous owner. It was noted that these trees can be either injected or sprayed to decrease gumball production. However this would need to be done yearly at a great expense. It was decided that the Board would need to discuss this further.
A discussion about trees followed because there was a dead pine behind 15608 Country Ridge but on Meadowbrook Country Club Estates property. Carol contacted their board of trustees and they agreed to have it removed. It was noted that if a homeowner’s dead tree falls on someone else’s property, the owner of the tree is responsible. Homeowners should check with their insurance to see if they are covered for such an event.
Carol Fine then asked the members to voice their main concerns about Indenture and City violations within the subdivision. The two mentioned were trash cans in view and mold on houses and fences.
Councilman Dan Hurt gave an update on projects in Chesterfield. He reported that Chesterfield Mall reconstruction will start in a couple of years. The Hub at The District is under construction. This will be an open air gathering place surrounded by restaurants. He also announced an E Sports venue at the District is planned.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm
Submitted by Carol Fine