Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Annual Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2020 – Chesterfield City Hall
Call to order
- Board President Scott Eiler called the meeting to order at 7:31pm. Trustees Kevin Pfarr, Bill Thanner, Tracey Thrasher were present along with 12 homeowners.
- Discussed deer hunting again in the neighborhood on common ground. The following motion was brought forth by Scott and seconded by Kevin:
- Move that trustees of MF-CE subdivision approve agreement with Whitetail Solutions for supervised bow hunting with agreed to parcels, dates, times, and conditions including and not limited to Whitetail solutions notify contiguous homeowners and provide acceptable insurance and meeting conditions of Chesterfield deer hunting program.
- Motion passed with 3 votes (1 via proxy).
- Move that trustees of MF-CE subdivision approve agreement with Whitetail Solutions for supervised bow hunting with agreed to parcels, dates, times, and conditions including and not limited to Whitetail solutions notify contiguous homeowners and provide acceptable insurance and meeting conditions of Chesterfield deer hunting program.