Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Annual Meeting Minutes
October 27, 2021 – Chesterfield City Hall


Call to order

  • Kevin Pfarr, President, called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Trustee Linda Walp, City Council Member Michael Moore and 19 other homeowners were in attendance.
  • There was a motion to approve both the April 22, 2021, and the July 22, 2021, minutes. They were approved.

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The Annual Meeting held in October has been moved to Wednesday October 27 due to scheduling issues with City Hall.  The meeting will still be held at City of Chesterfield City Hall at 7:30pm room 102-103.


Keep an eye out for the annual meeting notice in your mailbox in the beginning of September.


Meadowbrook Farms/Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Chesterfield City Hall


Call to order

  • Because of the large number of homeowners present, the meeting was moved to the multi-purpose room to accommodate everyone.
  • Kevin Pfarr, President, called the meeting to order at 7:35.  He introduced the other Trustees present, Scott Eiler and Linda Walp as well as our Ward 2 Councilmen, Dan Hurt and Michael Moore.
  • A motion made to accept the minutes of the April 22,2021 passed unanimously.

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Meadowbrook Farms/Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Chesterfield City Hall


Call to Order

  • Kevin Pfarr, President, called the meeting to order at 732pm. Trustees Scott Eiler, Linda Walp and Tracey Thrasher attended along with Council Member, Mike Moore, and 3 homeowners.
  • There was a motion to approve the January 28, 2021 meeting minutes, which was approved.
  • Financials were passed out to the Trustees
    • Dead trees on the common ground were noted as significant expenses this year.
    • There was mention of increasing HOA dues in relationship to the additional expenses incurred this year but it was also discussed that a full review of the HOA financial situation including reserve balances should be reviewed before considering an increase
      in annual dues.

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Meadowbrook Farms/Clarkson Estates
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Chesterfield City Hall


Call to Order

  • Kevin Pfarr, President, called the meeting to order at 7:32pm. Trustees Bill Thanner, Scott Eiler, Linda Walp and Tracey Thrasher were in attendance. 1 homeowner was in attendance. Also, 2 City of Chesterfield Council Members, Dan Hurt & Michael Moore, attended the meeting.
  • There was a motion to approve both the July 2020 and December 2020 meeting minutes which was approved.
  • The year-to-date actual expenses were reviewed in comparison to budget and it was noted that the vandalism to the fence on the common ground at the entrance at Baxter and Country Ridge Drive cost $4,950.

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